Friday, October 24, 2008

meat corruptor

p: errrrr
my cousin and my friend were in town
and they wanted the "nyc" experience
so i took them to grey's papaya and white castle

a: mmmmmm

p: btw
my cousin is vegetarian

hot dogs and sliders huh?
how'd she do?

p: it was hilarious
in 10 min she had 3 kinds of meat
i felt like the devil
and it was awesome

a: haha meat CORRUPTOR!!!

p: i know rite?!
it felt all to easy
like, i had done it before

a: in your past life....
...the veggie devil reincarnated

p: i was thinking more like back to the future
where my future self came back
and did that
and now i'm reliving the moment or something


a: why would your future self do that?
DOC brown?

p: maybe she becomes like some kinda veggie hitler and in the future it's all sad and meatless and i had to go back in time to prevent it
kinda like the terminator too

a: hmmm
thats way more bad ass then
totally down with meat corruption...

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