Friday, June 5, 2009

Totally Inappropriate

*mind you, paul, damien, and myself are all at work...

a: damien says that if we take his hand, he'll take your foot

p: if we take both of his hands, he won't be able to take our feet
cuz he won't be able to
sudden win

a: he says he doesn't have a girlfriend so that'd be mean to take away his hands...

p: there's always autofelation
i know he's been practicin

....i have no idea where this stuff comes from

a: he said he didn't start taking yoga for nothing

p: all it takes is 2 good years of practice, then he'll be golden/homeless
i hear autofelation consumes

a: damien: 'hmmm.....i just got over my stuffed animal thing...'

p: stuffed animals, while fun for kids, when ingested the wrong way it sends the user into a depressed euphoria
the addiction is tiresome, that's why stuffed animals anonymous was there
i'm glad he was able to attend our monday night sessions
....he always brought the most delicious scones

a: wow, this is tiring

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